Logic Wireless Website Refresh

We’re thrilled to announce that the Logic Wireless website has undergone a significant transformation to showcase what makes Logic so great – it’s the Logic plus!

Refreshed Logic website, designed with our users in mind

During planning sessions late 2023, the team were discussing what Logic was all about. What did we do? Who did we do it for? What value were we offering? (And a whole bunch more!). We knew our team was excellent, our services second-to-none, we had the best dealer channel, and a brilliant portfolio of products and brands that we worked with. But we weren’t doing a good enough job telling folks this.

Our website is the digital “front door” to Logic and we wanted our website to reflect who we’d become, the value we added, and who we wanted to be going forward. It needed the Logic Plus!

The team spent the end of 2023 mapping out user journeys, looking at what we needed to deliver to our dealers, our suppliers and end-users, and how that’d work for our website. Our inaugural channel survey in Q1 2024 confirmed our assumptions about the need for more information, and we engaged with Christchurch design agency, MetaDigital, to develop a new website for Logic Wireless.

It’s been a busy few months, but the Logic team is extremely proud to announce that we went live with our new website last week, giving a first preview of the new site at Comms Connect NZ!

Goals for the Logic website

  • To improve awareness of the amazing brands we work with
  • To showcase the breadth of our product portfolio
  • To improve the visibility of our incredible Logic Dealers across Australia and New Zealand
  • To highlight the range of professional services Logic offers 
  • To deliver helpful search results for those looking for critical-comms solutions.

It was a tall order, but we think we’ve nailed it!

We invite you to visit the new Logic Wireless website, browse our pages and let us know what you think of your new online Logic experience! Does it deliver the Logic Plus?

Coming soon to the Logic website…

Phase 2 of the Logic website will see industry and solution content added. So bookmark our website and watch this space!

Want to discover the Logic Plus for yourself? Contact Logic or find your local Logic Dealer today.