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Smart Earplugs SP1R

Sensear's radio-powered, in-ear smart earplugs, ideal for use in high-noise environments with respirators, breathing protection devices, and helmets.

Sensear Smart earplugs
Sensear Ear Plugs
Sensear Earplugs

In-ear hearing protection

Sensear Earplugs are the perfect partner for two-way radios in high-noise environments.

The Sensear SP1R is a compact yet rugged package, built specifically to enhance two-way radio communications in high-noise environments. The SP1R is powered by your two-way radio, thus eliminating the need for a battery inside the unit.

Users in high-noise environments can communicate face-to-face or via two-way radios while maintaining 360° situational awareness and protecting their hearing.

Smart Earplug Specifications

  • Patented SENS® technology delivers 360° situational awareness
  • Sound level limit: In-ear exposure set to 82 dB(A) by default
  • Hearing protection of up to 31dB Noise Reduction Rating (NRR)
  • Optional high-quality, noise-cancelling boom mic, for enhanced audio transmission
  • Rugged IP67 build
  • Intrinsically Safe option (SP1R-IS)

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